Does the thought of living in normal, Camarilla, kindred society bore the hell out of you? The fact that everything you do is controlled by those damn Primogen and Prince? The fact that an Elder is telling you what to do and you are willingly doing it? Now this ain't the way that I was brought up and this ain't the way I want to live.  The Camarilla was made for all the wimps to hide behind, now why should we be there to hide behind, that doesn't seem fair.

I bet you've often thought that the Sabbat have it easy. Go kill some Camarilla Elder then have a little drink to celebrate. Easy, one foe out of the way and you're a little bit more powerful because of it. Does that not just seem to be the life?  But alas, the Sabbat don't have it that easy.  For some reason the Camarilla have a slight dislike of them, I wonder why...

And I know you've thought about going to the Anarchs before a rumour about them once. A thought from a person who I think is now dead, "Cain would be clan less wouldn't he?", "yes" was my reply, "So he wouldn't fit in to . I heard Camarilla society then?", "no" was my reply, "So he'd run with the Anarchs then?", "..." was my reply. Maybe it's not such a good idea to run with the Anarchs at this precise time after looking at what he suggested there. But hey, it could be fun to meet Cain, well in those few seconds before you die anyway.








If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please E-mail me and I'll see what I can do.