
Don't kill anyone in front of a mortal.  Don't show your vampire stuff to a mortal unless you plan to kill him.   And try not to kill too many mortals unless it is needed.

When visiting another city try not to take over (well not as much as at home). 
Respect the place and try not to kill the prince, it doesn't really go down to well.

Don't make new childer unless the prince says so, but mind you, what he doesn't know can't hurt him (well……).

If your childe makes a mess you have to clean it up, well only until you release him anyway.  You'll be punished if they do anything too bad so watch them (or release them as soon as they're made).

Introduce the prince to you when you go to another city.  They can get pissed when you don't and they have been known to get violent too.  So if you want a fight, feel free not to do it.

You can't kill your primogen, but your prince can.  Just bond the prince and let him do the work.  Hey, there's no blood on your hands, so they can't blame you.